Business management

Outsourcing contracts show in crisis their vulnerability

Prof. Dr. Thomas Mühlencoert, lecturer at Remagen RheinAhrCampus Fachhochschule Koblenz, has evaluated a survey among companies that have outsourced their logistics. It shows: The attempt to reduce the fixed costs of a company in the course of outsourcing contracts, in times of crisis often remains a miscalculation.

One main reason for this is that the service providers with whom contracts have been concluded do not have unlimited flexibility in terms of quantity - they may terminate the contract. In addition, companies in the growth phase do not receive the price reductions that they could have achieved themselves through fixed cost degression.

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Model Factory Forum: The path to lean factory

As the implementation of lean concepts in manufacturing companies can be successfully designed and how companies can meet the challenges on the road to realization, show experts and practitioners in the Model Factory Forum on Tuesday, 5. May 2009.

Lean concepts support manufacturing companies to meet the challenges of more competitive global markets. Numerous success stories, such as significant increases in efficiency can be realized in the company by minimizing unnecessary cost drivers with simultaneous appreciation of the core processes.

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Earn supervisory boards too little

TUM study calls for greater transparency in the top floors

The remuneration of many boards of directors does not meet the significantly increased requirements for their control function. The criteria that make up executive salaries are still not transparent enough. These are results of two studies of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Karlsruhe (TH), who analyzes the evolution and composition of management salaries 330 listed companies between 2005 and 2007.

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Comprehensive study on cross-project management

For a successful business strategy, it is essential to keep the whole picture. A comprehensive management of projects may be, prove to be extremely valuable. This is confirmed by an investigation that has carried out the Department of Business Administration, in particular economic computer science III, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with maxence business consulting. According to the judgment of the survey participants the importance of cross-project management will rise in the future.

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Assistance systems on the agenda of the logistics industry

A future issue prevails: On Monday, 26. January held its first newly founded VDI working group "Logistical assistance systems". innovative method for real-time visualization and control of complex material flows in logistics are addressed across the initiative of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML there. The group of research, industry and trade associations develop common principles for the further development of assistance systems in the industrial environment and parent recommendations for practical use. The basis is the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) technology project "LogNetAssist".

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Device Management curbing sprawl in terminals jungle

Which use equipment / systems for mobile communications?

A recent report from Berlecon Research and the Fraunhofer ESK highlights the importance of device management solutions for businesses. Analysts recommend to make the selection of a suitable solution, depending on the types of terminals used. This company should also consider the extent to which the respective solution their meets individual requirements to a central device management but. The report helps companies evaluate and select the appropriate solution.

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Discounters carry returnable to the grave: Politics are safe conduct

Secrecy surrounding Dosenpfand gains

Federal Environment Ministry, corporate lobbyists, and even environmental activists deny persistent negative consequences of incorrectly constructed Packaging Regulation on the reusable development - although the warning shots are now to volleys: "It istklar that many business leaders publish any data. Otherwise they would disclose their finest and most secret sources of income. It is unfortunately the case that the interests of industry and the environment ministry as far apart that they coincide again. The secret coffers of the trade by the deposit slip and the secrecy associated coincides with the desire of the Federal Environment Ministry to bring yes no negative numbers in the public, "says the waste expert Sasch shoe, head of the Bonn consulting firm Ascon http: //www.ascon His company had let therefore perform waste analyzes. "Were sampled mixed PET bales from the Dual System of different sorting. Pro bales we may find 1803 returnable bottles on average. Of these, 724 returnable bottles to 0,15 1079 euros and disposable bottles to 0,25 euros. If we add the high on a charge of 54 bale, then this results in a deposit of around 22. Euro per load. More than twenty times the intrinsic value, "said shoe against New message.

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Five steps to an energy-efficient office

Companies can significantly reduce electricity costs for IT

Reducing energy costs is an important issue for many companies. With energy-efficient IT equipment, you can quickly achieve success here. The Energy Efficiency initiative of the German Energy Agency (dena) shows in five steps how companies and public institutions can save up to 75 percent of their electricity costs for information technology (IT) if they replace outdated devices with energy-efficient ones and use them intelligently.

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Everyday life, but not yet routine - how companies communicate change

Study by the University of Hohenheim highlights the role of communication in change management in Germany's top companies

How do companies deal with change? How successful are they in communicating the impact of mergers, business downturns, or new technologies? The current survey by the Department of Communication Studies, especially journalism, at the University of Hohenheim analyzes how companies from different sectors and sizes assess the communication of the changes. Change has long since arrived in companies. Nine out of ten communication managers at the German top 250 and DAX companies surveyed say that they regularly explain major change projects to employees, but also to external target groups. Communicating the change is part of her everyday life, but has not yet become routine.

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MIT and HPI promote holistic supply chain alignment

Event on January 16 in Potsdam

The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) wants to show executives from the economy how companies can coordinate and optimize their supply chains. This is to happen on January 16, 2009 at a joint event with the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and its "Forum for Supply Chain Innovation". Prof. David Simchi-Levi, one of the world's leading scientists in the field of supply chain management, and BITKOM President Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer are among the speakers.

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