
Thalheim corrected: No departure from the reorientation of agricultural policy

Secretary feels misunderstood

"I am surprised at the press response to an article in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, in which I spoke to the necessary budgetary savings in the agriculture budget and the restructuring of agricultural policy," said the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Consumer Protection, Dr. Gerald Thalheim. In the literal quotations only known positions were reproduced. So he had courted understanding of the inevitable savings because subsidies would be reduced.

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Effect of alpha - tocopherol - supplementary food for pigs to color and fatty acid stability

Source: Meat Science 58 (2001), 389-393

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Tenderization of poultry meat by means of hydrodynamic shock waves

Sources: Meat Science 58 (2001), 283 - Meat Science 58 (2001) 287

In the following two papers report on a method that a few years ago in the literature found a lot of attention, but was rejected in practice impractical. It is the tenderization by hydrodynamic shock waves that were triggered by the explosion of small amounts of explosives. Meanwhile, a new method was invented by a plasma to generate shock waves, to get away from the explosives.

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