Human Resources Management

Age discrimination in the stressor

As employee retention will be weakened in companies

When workers know repeatedly that they because of their age pushes and disadvantaged in the workplace to the edge, leaves after their emotional attachment to the company. Older workers experience age discrimination to outpace stressor than their younger counterparts. They are then more inclined to apply less force and energy for their business. This is the result of a study that Dr. Tanja Rabl (Universität Bayreuth) and Dr. María del Carmen Triana (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) have now been published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management. Survey in German companies

In total 1255 employees have been involved in six major German companies in the investigation. They are each at about half the group of 30- to 40jährigen and the group of 50- to 60jährigen. The company is the company of the automotive supplier industry, the electrical industry, the insurance industry, the IT services, trade and commercial waste. Using questionnaires, the authors have the study to determine how the employees experience the working conditions in their companies and what settings they have towards their company.

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The fingers make on the computer hard labor

Office workers "move" every day up to three tons on the computer - important Ergonomic work and breaks

Three small car lift: Many office workers do it every day - simply by tapping on their computer keyboard. "Who writes afloat and creates 50.000 attacks on the day, pushing aggregated about a total weight of about three tonnes," says Uwe Roth, an expert on Health and safety in InfoCenter of R + V Versicherung. The continuous stress leads many employees at workstations to chronic pain in hands and arms - in German offices already suffering good one in five under. The R + V-Info Centre therefore advises: Change posture frequently, do some work standing and installing short "finger aerobics" in the working day.

In rigid posture write, the fingers allow enough rest and not to observe first pain: That's what happened in the office daily routine. However, the health consequences can be severe for those affected often: "The stress factors lead over the years in many people to chronic pain and limitations - to RSI" warns Uwe Roth from R + V-Info Center. These "repetitive strain injuries" are the collective term for diseases such as mouse arm, tendonitis, numbness, loss of strength or motion and pain at rest. RSI is caused by short, fast and frequently repeated movements.

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Business: Risk Factor Apps.

Mobile applications afford Traveller valuable assistance. But two-thirds of companies do not give instructions for their use and thus endanger their data security.

Mobile devices have long been an integral part of business. Smartphone apps quickly help you with questions and problems on site. However 65 percent of companies make their employees no guidelines in the use of mobile deals. Thus they compromise the security of sensitive corporate data on mobile devices. For this result, the current survey "Chefsache Business Travel" by Travel Management Companies is the German Travel Association (DRV).

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Evening people do not belong in the morning shift

Scientific work provides new insights into what employees in production

The performance of people is changing during the day. As a scientific work of the Institute of Integrated Production Hannover shows the variations depend greatly on the type: Morning people show thus much more consistent performance than evening people. This type-dependent power fluctuations could prove in his doctoral thesis for manual assembly activities the engineer Jens-Michael Potthast.

Morning people are particularly active and efficient in the early hours of the day. Popular Scientifically they are therefore often referred to as larks. Evening people contrast run - like owls - in later hours in top form. So far, so familiar. A scientific work that has been recently established at the Institute of Integrated Production Hannover, now provides additional insights: Accordingly, the performance highs and lows of the morning and evening people are less pronounced. Morning show people that the investigation over the day more consistent performance. The performance of owls fluctuates compared to the larks much stronger and reaches at night its nadir.

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Suga 2011: 2011 Every worker almost 13 days sick

By the number of sick days in the German economy a production loss of 2011 billion euros, was formed in 46. If one allocates the total 460,6 million lost work days with the number of employees in Germany, then everyone was statistically of them 12,6 days incapacitated. A year earlier, the values ​​were still at 11,3 days or 39 billion euros. This is the conclusion of the report is "health and safety at work 2011" (Suga, formerly accident prevention report work), to create the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) annually on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).

The number of reportable accidents has fallen in Germany, according to Suga in 2011. Yet their numbers during this period was over one million. From 1.000 full-time employees who have suffered an accident at work 2011 26 in statistical terms. The year before, there were still 27,4. Thus, the number of reported accidents is slowly approaching again the lowest level of the year 2009, in the 25,8 1.000 of full-time employees were victims of an industrial accident. However outlier is the construction industry: There, the incidence rate of 57,6 2010 year has risen to 70,4 2011 year.

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Survey Confirms Growth of job satisfaction

Companies recognize the importance of "feel good factors" in the struggle for youth and professionals

The current evaluation of the IFAA Trendbarometer "working environment" is: Under the Sign of demographic change back especially topics in the foreground, who the employees in focus: job satisfaction, ergonomic design and health management. In the fourth quarter 2012 from the Institute for Applied Work Science (IFAA) carried out for the eighth time survey with approximately 700 participants confirmed so the trend toward significance Growth employee-related "feel good factors" to secure supply of skilled labor and the exploitation of young professionals. Tend to become less important have the more operational organizational topics organizing processes and continuous improvement process - but they remain in the group of top 5 issues by the surveyed experts from industry, associations, academia and other areas. Subject demographics for large and medium-sized enterprises important

The largest consider differences in the subjects, depending on the size of the company made this time with the theme of demographic trends - it is much more significant than in small companies in large and medium-sized enterprises. Compared to the last survey in the second quarter 2012 the differences in the assessment of the issue of job satisfaction, however, have leveled between the sizes of companies. The closest match of the three categories of companies can be found at the subject of continuous improvement process and objective.

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Better mental OSH needs concrete action guidelines for companies

The Foundation German Depression Help welcomes the plans of the Federal Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen for an initiative to better mental OSH. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl, CEO of Foundation German Depression Help, while estimates concrete action guidelines for companies to be more effective than a legal additional regulations. Role model could the guidelines for alcohol disorders in the workplace.

The 29. January has invited announced information meeting on mental health at work in Berlin to which Mrs von der Leyen representatives of employers, trade unions and statutory accident insurance, is preceded by a discussion, the IG Metall in the summer of last year, with the demand for an anti-stress regulation fired. were 2012 end the terms included in the Working Conditions Act "mental health" "mental stress" and - which at the same time a pension obligation of the employer is connected. The Conference of Labour and Social Affairs ASMK country is not far enough - it has the end of November prompted the federal government to an ordinance to protect against hazards caused by mental stress in the workplace.

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A lot of effort - great expectation

Those who work hard will be rewarded for it. This rule is apparently followed automatically in the human brain. The scientists have shown the Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CENs) of the University of Bonn. In subjects who had to solve the difficult mathematical tasks, the activity in reward-processing regions of the brain depended more on the amount of reward as for lightweight tasks. The study has been published in the journal "Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience".

Is the effort in the right proportion? This question follow practically all living things in their decisions. "An animal must automatically follow the request, no more energy to invest in foraging to expect as booty to the value is - this is simply a principle of survival," says Associate Professor Dr. Klaus Fließbach the Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CENs) the University of Bonn, of the German center for Neurodegenerative diseases (DZNE) research now in Bonn. Man also follows Experience shows that this rule, even if it is not a matter of life or death: Who exerts himself properly in the job, usually does not exist with a warm handshake as a reward satisfied.

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