Stable overall situation in extraordinary times of crisis

On a successful course: Sabine Steidinger, member of the ZENTRAG board, Michael Boddenberg, chairman of the ZENTRAG supervisory board, and Anton Wahl, ZENTRAG board spokesman, were able to refer to solid balance sheet figures for the cooperative group for the 2021 financial year at the general assembly.

Frankfurt.- “The successful restart of our IFFA trade fair and the pleasingly high level of participation on the part of exhibitors and trade visitors are impressive proof that the German butcher trade continues to be a central pillar in the food market. This success is based on many positive factors of the trade, essentially on our traditional, solid overall structure and thus on a strong network, the basis of which is ZENTRAG eG as the basic wholesale and service association in our industry," emphasized Michael Boddenberg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Central Cooperative of the European Butchers' Trade, at the beginning of the ZENTRAG General Assembly, which was held in Frankfurt.

Boddenberg added that the butcher trade and the cooperative group got through the Corona crisis well. The requirements in the current extreme situation, which is characterized by the Ukraine war, inflation, shortages of goods and market turbulence, are considerable. Nevertheless, he was confident: "I am optimistic that our industry will also master these crises. Just as it has done time and time again in its 75-year history.”

Proof of this was also a film documentation, which was shown as an impressive clip at the start of the General Assembly. An exciting, compact journey through time to the essential stages of the 75-year company history of ZENTRAG, which developed kaleidoscopically along with the world events of the last decades. The panorama on the 75th anniversary of ZENTRAG, which can be celebrated this year, marked the major crises and changes of the past, but also their positive events, good news and further developments.

With the positive motto "Opportunities from the crisis" was also the title of the ZENTRAG Annual Report 2021, the core figures of which - in addition to the topics of market trends, future projects and perspectives - were the focus of the General Assembly.

Anton Wahl, CEO of ZENTRAG, and Sabine Steidinger, who has also been a member of the ZENTRAG board since the beginning of 2022, jointly moderated the meeting and explained the elementary points of the balance sheet and future prospects.

Anton Wahl stated in the introduction: “We have learned to deal with difficult situations. For example with the Corona crisis. Despite these circumstances, the status and the economic situation of ZENTRAG have been stable and positive in recent years. This also applies to the 2021 financial year. However, the current challenges are massive. We are currently in a kind of economy of scarcity that is making earlier certainties obsolete. Nobody can predict what will happen in a few months. We have to concentrate all the more on our strengths and our top issues and challenges. This currently applies primarily to the supply of goods. But we must not lose sight of topics such as digitization, regionalization, new and alternative sales resources, staff shortages and sustainability.”

Solid positioning of the ZENTRAG group
Even in the past crisis year 2021, ZENTRAG eG can refer to a stable balance sheet. The ZENTRALE and its affiliated business organizations are solidly positioned together. In view of the severe turbulence, the overall result for 2021 once again underlines the basic security function, robustness and effectiveness of the cooperative group. ZENTRAG board member Sabine Steidinger underlined this positive summary in her compact presentation, in which the elementary key figures were explained.

Sales development 2021 of ZENTRAG eG
Due to the difficult market conditions under corona lockdown conditions, which primarily affected the catering sector, ZENTRAG eG recorded a slight drop in sales of 2021 percent in the 0,4 financial year (total: 272,05 million euros / previous year: 273,07 ). However, this result is largely due to the extremely difficult lockdown months of January and February. The development in proprietary business was positive at plus 3,1 percent. Sales increased to EUR 105,0 million (previous year: EUR 101,9 million). The central settlement business declined by -2,5 percent (total: EUR 167,0 million/previous year: EUR 171,2 million). In the goods areas, the segments meat -5,2 percent, poultry plus 7,6 percent, food minus 1,5 percent, machines plus 6,5 percent and butcher supplies plus 6,7 percent. The strengths of the butcher supplies and machine range thus contributed to the positive development of own business.

Development of the member companies
The number of members of ZENTRAG eG in the year under review was 88, including associations and guilds associated with the butcher trade. The sales development of the 40 affiliated wholesale companies structured as cooperatives declined slightly in the reporting period by minus 0,6 percent due to the pandemic. The group turnover of all affiliated economic organizations in 2021, including hide processing, services and any production, amounted to EUR 819,0 million (previous year: EUR 823,7 million).

The average annual turnover of the 40 cooperatives increased again from EUR 20,1 million to EUR 20,5 million. The annual sales of the economic organizations vary greatly: at the top they are over 105 million euros, at the lower end it starts at 650.000 euros. The number of employees employed throughout the year remained relatively constant at 2204 people (previous year: 2203 people). Investments in property, plant and equipment in the reporting period totaled around EUR 10,7 million (previous year: EUR 11,7 million).

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