
How camphor invigorates the brain - from low blood pressure to high performance

High blood pressure is feared as the "silent killer" because it can cause massive damage to the vessels over the long term. On the other hand, there is no health risk from essential hypotension, chronic low blood pressure. Those affected - and that is up to five percent of the population - often complain about physical complaints such as tiredness and a reduction in mental performance. LMU researchers led by Professor Rainer Schandry have now been able to prove for the first time on the basis of a scientific study that a tried and tested home remedy can help effectively in these cases: camphor.

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Daily bread as a lifesaver

Nutritional toxicologists from the University of Jena study the cancer-preventive effect of bread

About 70.000 people in Germany develop colon cancer every year. The disease is fatal for almost half of the patients. A large number of tumor cases could be avoided if the risk factors alcohol, obesity and poor diet were avoided. "With a few simple lifestyle adjustments, the risk of the disease can be massively reduced," says Privatdozent Dr. Michael Glei. In addition to daily exercise, nutrition also plays an important role, according to the scientist from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Abundant dietary fiber intake in particular can prevent illness.

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No slump in pig production

Productivity increases

Together with the von Thünen Institute (formerly the Federal Research Center for Agriculture FAL), the ZMP has drawn up an initial forecast for the 2009 pig market. According to this, production should only decrease slightly despite declining pig stocks in Germany. An above-average level is expected for prices.

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Fewer and fewer sheep in Germany

Stock at a new low

The sheep sector is still on the decline in Germany. For the first time, the number of sheep fell below 2,5 million animals. The downward trend from the past few years is thus continuing. Bluetongue, rising costs on the production side and worries about the offspring characterize domestic sheep farming.

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Declining consumption of turkey meat

Competition from chicken parts is growing

Chicken meat is becoming increasingly popular in the poultry supply in Germany, while turkey meat can no longer match past growth rates. Turkey meat consumption, which reached its highest level in 2004 at 6,5 kilograms and was 2007 kilograms in 6,1, is likely to fall again in 2008.

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ZMP study: Consumers save when shopping

Private labels benefit from price awareness

Food and non-alcoholic beverages have become more expensive in the past two years than they have been in 15 years. Consumers in Germany have reacted to this: they are saving on purchasing quantities and switching to cheaper products. This is confirmed by a new market research study by the ZMP.

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Thuringian bratwurst King Andrew I. the releases policy statement

Thuringian Minister President receives Majesties and Symbolfiguren-

The Thuringian Prime Minister Dieter Althaus had invited this year's “Majesties” and symbolic figures to the Thuringian State Chancellery. Last Friday evening he received over 90 crowned heads and entourage in the baroque hall. The reception began with a parade in which each of the gentlemen was introduced to the Prime Minister.

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Consumers: Increasing loss of competence in food

Food journalist Dagmar Freifrau von Cramm sees the food industry as having a duty – to invest more in nutritional education – DLG Food Days 2008 in Frankfurt am Main and Bad Soden

Consumers are dramatically losing their skills in dealing with staple foods. This is the conclusion reached by the well-known food journalist Dagmar Freifrau von Cramm at the DLG Food Days 2008 in Frankfurt am Main and Bad Soden. The food industry therefore has a great deal of responsibility in terms of safety, quality and nutritional expertise. At the same time, the renowned nutritionist appealed to the food industry to invest more in nutrition education. The DLG Food Days are the big meeting place for the food industry and quality experts, and the focus this year is on the new role played by food manufacturers.

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Butchers are planning copy protection for puttes and Christmas liver sausage

Anyone who loves hearty and hearty food with a view of Christmas can look forward to the fact that the season of traditional Aachen Christmas liver sausage has begun. The season started in the White Hall of the town hall, where Mayor Jürgen Linden and representatives of the Aachen butchers' guild performed the traditional cut.

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Fewer pigs in the EU

Significant decline in production expected in 2009

The forecast committee of the EU Commission expects a significant decline in pig production in the next few months after the sour herds across the EU have been reduced more than ever before. According to the experts, the lower supply will lead to fixed prices for slaughter pigs.

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