
TK Health Report 2009: Significantly higher absenteeism among temporary workers

Workers in temporary employment are sick written four more days with an average of 14,7 days lost in the year 2008 than workers in other industries. Absenteeism in the temporary employment sector is 4 1,1 percent, percentage points higher than the national average. This emerges from the latest health report, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and the Federal Association of Temporary Work (BZA) has presented today. After that time workers are almost all diagnoses often affected than workers in other sectors, especially great are the differences in the areas of musculoskeletal disorders (plus 60 percent), injuries (plus 64 percent), respiratory diseases (plus 23 percent) and mental health problems (plus 34 percent). In contrast to the conventional labor market, the men are in temporary work with an average of 15,3 days sick leave longer than women with 13,9 days.

However, TK advocated, rather specific causes of increased absenteeism. The majority of the difference is due to the fact that temporary workers are often employed in physically demanding activities associated with experience, increased absenteeism. Approximately one third of the difference has its origins in the time work itself. A survey of TK among temporary workers showed that they feel especially high job insecurity, their income, the discrepancy between their qualifications and the activity carried out and the lack of development opportunities as a burden. Other areas of work rate time laborer is more positive than other workers. That includes topics like work pressure, appreciation by the supervisor and information flow.

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Study: More insolvencies due to financial and economic crisis

Bankruptcy trustees expect massive increase in corporate bankruptcies with new record levels no later than 2010. The experts demand far-reaching reforms to save more companies.

The insolvency administrators in Germany expect a new bankruptcy record in 2010 at the latest. The main reason is the effects of the financial and economic crisis on companies in Germany. That is the result of a current survey by Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG together with the Center for Insolvency and Reorganization at the University of Mannheim (ZIS) about the causes of insolvencies in the current economic crisis. Above all, it is the dropping orders that cause problems for the company as well as domino effects caused by the bankruptcy of clients or suppliers. Companies that have private equity owners are also particularly at risk. Restrictive lending by banks also plays an important role. In the study that has now been presented, well-known insolvency administrators in Germany were surveyed in March and April 2009, who are currently processing a total of around 21.000 cases of corporate insolvency. The insolvency administrators estimate that 34 percent of bankruptcy filings were triggered by the global recession. According to 94 percent of insolvency administrators, the special thing about the current crisis and the reason for the expected massive increase is the drop in orders. The insolvency administrators report from their practice that the smaller medium-sized companies affected by this experienced an average decline of over 50 percent. Next came the cancellation or postponement of orders with 73 percent of responses and subsequent insolvencies with 68 percent. This is followed by the vulnerability of private equity financed companies to crises (64 percent) and the restrictive lending of banks with 62 percent. 2003 high is exceeded

Almost two-thirds of the respondents believe that the previous highest level of 39.000 company failures from the year 2003 is exceeded. The peak of the coming bankruptcy wave, half expects 2009, the other half next year. "The study shows the impact of the financial crisis on companies and how small and medium-sized companies are struggling." Gerd-Uwe Baden, CEO of Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG.

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Trade: price wars are not a solution to the crisis

Customer ensures long-term customer loyalty

Even in the economic crisis should be the single and retailers - the crisis could fully grasp only with rising unemployment - rely on the quality of the customer, instead of engaging at the expense of service quality to price wars.

Thereupon, the Cologne Service Rating GmbH out in a recent study of more than 8.000 customers judgments to approximately 100 trade and service companies. Thus, consumers who exhibit the Customer of dealers high marks, a significantly stronger binding to these. In addition, customer-oriented trading company are significantly more likely recommended friends or colleagues.

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Outsourcing contracts show in crisis their vulnerability

Prof. Dr. Thomas Mühlencoert, lecturer at Remagen RheinAhrCampus Fachhochschule Koblenz, has evaluated a survey among companies that have outsourced their logistics. It shows: The attempt to reduce the fixed costs of a company in the course of outsourcing contracts, in times of crisis often remains a miscalculation.

One main reason for this is that the service providers with whom contracts have been concluded do not have unlimited flexibility in terms of quantity - they may terminate the contract. In addition, companies in the growth phase do not receive the price reductions that they could have achieved themselves through fixed cost degression.

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Economic risk: German often go to work sick

German companies risking unnecessary downtime because its staff returns ill to work. In every second establishment premature labor absorption is common practice. In good every third company the risk of infection for colleagues is even often increased because not recovering from an employee to recovery. Given the recent health risks associated with the outbreak of swine flu this careless handling of contagion is alarming. Because the infection prevention plays a key role in the operational influenza pandemic preparedness. "Who is sick, stay home" is one of the seven principles of the Robert Koch Institute to reduce viral contagion risks in business. These results, the study "Workplace health promotion" from IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research in cooperation with 203 experts and executives from various industries have participated in the survey.

The weaknesses in the occupational health care are reflected in addition to the organizational structures of many companies resist. So 2008 decreed claims to just one company in an internal device for health issues. The positive effect of workplace health prevention in the company in principle is undisputed. 70 percent of specialists and managers assume that it is possible the disease cases reduce among employees through preventive measures. For viral diseases, which are responsible in the plants by far the most of absenteeism of employees, however, belongs to a meticulous observance of prevention. By careless acquiescence ill employees in the workplace, many companies run counter to the recommendations of health experts.

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Computer Computer: To bend users health risks before

Back pain, headaches or eye pain - working on the computer often causes health problems / Simple measures can remedy

Whether back pain, headaches or eye problems - who spends much time on the computer, sets out a number of health risks. Are the risks over a long period disregarded so quickly threatening chronic diseases. How users can already be prevented by simple measures explained TecChannel, the German webzine for IT professionals in a recent contribution.

The cause of many ailments such as back or joint and lack of concentration is a wrong sitting posture at the computer. Therefore, users should put on an ergonomic seating position special value. This refers to an office chair is adjustable not only in height, but also on the back and arms. A vertically adjustable Office desk contributes to a relaxed sitting position. As Faustegel for optimal sitting posture applies: upper and lower arm and upper and lower legs each form an angle of 90 degree.

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Trademarks continue to gain ground

2. Trademark Monitor Lebensmittel Zeitung and Dialego

Trademarks are the inexpensive alternative to branded products and have already secured a place on the shelves of retailers. The reasons are manifold: while the attractive margin trading brings interesting benefits that customers benefit from the attractive price-performance ratio. Under the 2. Trademark Monitor surveyed the Lebensmittel Zeitung and Aachener research firm Dialego in March 2009 1.000 German citizens' perceptions and their buying behavior regarding trademarks.

Especially in difficult times like these bargains again boom. So buy 84 percent of Germans their daily food at the discounter. "With its consistent low-price policy and countless stores in the most attractive locations they let the big supermarkets and small supermarkets far behind (57 55 respectively percent)," said Andera Gadeib, founder and sole director of Dialego. Looking up have mainly neighborhood shops, mom and pop stores or kiosks that are visited by only twelve percent of respondents.

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Social bonds at work can increase productivity

Who's with powerful friends at work together, working even more productive. This relationship could now prove by an extensive field trial scientists British and American universities. According to the study, the (IZA) has appeared at the Bonn Institute for the Study of Labor, productivity low-performing workforce rose by 10% when they were used in the direct vicinity of their friends. Conversely, while the reduced productive colleagues their own performance, if they were in direct contact with weaker friends during work, but for the company resulted in an overall positive effect on productivity.

On the basis of personal data of a British fruit growing operation, the researchers analyzed the work performance of employees. They also questioned the company employees, with which colleagues they maintain friendly contacts. For organizational reasons, the range of use of each worker changed daily, so fellow collectors could work only on certain days in sight together. This was the case, is an amazing effect was: The less powerful friends lay down especially to the wheel and picked about 10% more fruit than on other days. More experienced pickers however, adjusted their working speed to the slower pace of her friends and took characterized even wage cuts of up to 10% in purchasing.

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Internal service standards promote external customer satisfaction

define the binding internal service and quality standards and monitor their implementation regularly by service providers, their customers better marks for its service quality. This show current analyzes of the Cologne-based rating agency ServiceRating. We analyzed more than 8.000 customers judgments about 100 companies from different service sectors.

Despite the high importance of the internal service quality for customer satisfaction dispensed by its own account but still one in four companies on the systematic application of intra-operating systems for controlling the quality of service. Comparatively remiss here are particularly evident in the telecom industry and the energy supplier, while insurers and health insurance companies play a leading role in the internal service management.

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The working atmosphere and the limits of endurance - Study on impact of economic pressures

The psychological stress at work to take, at the same time, the operating climate has deteriorated in many companies and organizations. "The reality of work is undergoing profound changes which have increased in recent years, even at speed," says Rolf Haubl, professor of psychoanalytical social psychology at the Goethe University. This is proven by the results of his recent study "work and life in organizations 2008".

The investigation focuses on the psycho-social impact of changes in the working world busy Haubl now has the results together with Günter Voss, Professor of Industrial and Technology Studies at the Technical University Chemnitz published. This work was funded by the German Society for Supervision (DGSv). The study is based intensive interviews and group discussions with supervisors and supervisors and organizational consultants and -beraterinnen the DGSv and a standardized survey of circa 1.000 members of DGSv.

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Spring awakening in the economy - Promotional Products heighten anticipation not wait, but expect

The whole of Germany is waiting for the spring. "No," says Hans-Joachim Evers, 1. Chairman of the Federation of promotional products consultant and wholesalers (bwg), "The whole of Germany awaits the spring." What at first sounds subtle, turns out on closer inspection to be deeply psychologically crucial. "Waiting is passive and uncomfortable. Nothing happened. Trickles Time. The waiting rooms of doctors can of a song as a song, as stops by bus and train. Includes contrast" expect "an active attitude. Before Joy resonates. Football fans wait not in the home game of their club, but they expect it. Expectant mothers are not waiting for their newborn, but expect it. This Contrary fevers should make the advertising industry as its own. it sounds a lot better, if you are not new to a car waiting, but expects it. "

Both the manufacturing industry such as in the service industry companies promise their customers a certain quality. To the customer is happy. The expectation of the customer should then but are also observed with top service. Promotional products support the economy, to symbolize these messages of pre-joy objectively. To this end, Hans-Joachim Evers: "With spring many people associate flowering plants, green meadows, experience nature, grilling, cycling to these and many other events may indicate promotional products effectively.."

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